Saturday, August 24, 2013

Badgerland Striders 1/2 Marathon

Badgerland Striders 1/2 Marathon - August 24, 2013
time = 1:51:02 (1:51:12 official results)
pace = 8:25 (8:30 official results)
placed 9th in my age group (40-44) out of 61
placed 58th in women out of 408
placed 226 overall out of 792

based on my experience with the Summerfest Rock 'n Sole i decided to approach this race a bit differently. i have a tendency to take off too fast out of the gate and then poop out near the end of the race. so this time i decided to pace myself. it was a really (seemingly) easy task because i bought this awesome garmin a couple of weeks ago! let me just say... I LOVE LOVE LOVE my garmin! best purchase i've made in a long time.

so... one would think that it would be a cinch to pace my running with this lovely addition. let me tell you... IT WAS NOT! my mileage looked like this:


evidently i am incapable of maintaining a steady speed! the first couple of miles i was going so fast but it didn't feel uncomfortable or taxing but i kept telling myself to slow down and then i'd try that and the next time i looked at my watch i'd be going faster again. it was a continuous adjustment. the first 8 miles were pretty easy but then my legs started to get tired and i found that it was incredibly challenging to maintain the 8:20 speed i was trying to stay at. i really wanted to beat my time (1:48:17) from the summerfest 1/2 so i figured that if i run at a steady 8:20 i should get that or a minute or so better. too bad i couldn't maintain that pace. the last 2 miles were the worst! i was so slow!

this was a great race! really well organized and beautiful to boot. the one thing i didn't like about it was that there were no timing chips. that would have been nice for accurate and actual times. although... when i finished the time on the clock was close to the time on my watch so i guess it really didn't matter that much. this was my first time running this race and i guess there were maybe double the runners as opposed to last year. even with that being so they weren't overwhelmed with the overload so that was great! there was free breakfast and beer afterwards in the beer garden as well as the usual water, gatorade, bananas. of course, they also had sodas, chips, and pretzels which is a twist. all in all it was a really awesome race and such a great experience. i had a lot of fun.




Monday, August 5, 2013

Warrior Dash (5K obstacle run)

Warrior Dash (5K) - August 3, 2013
time = 56:13
pace = 16:19
placed 220 in my age group (40-49) out of 609
placed 3069 overall out of 6050

i did this race with my friend rebecca and we had a great time. we drove out to johnson's creek, wi and got a bit lost trying to find the place. road closures and all that jazz. she gets a little car sick so that made the trip all the more exciting!

once we arrived and parked it was more exciting! there were a lot of people there and we were still pretty much on time for our starting wave. got checked in, bathroom breaks, and lo and behold we got in our wave just in time to start.

the course was pretty fun. not as many obstacles as the tough mudder but for a 3.31 mile run how could it have as many? am i right? lots of mud and water which was to be expected... the best part was jumping over the fire! i felt so awesome doing it!

if i ever do this run again it will probably be with my youngest because he wants to do it when he's old enough... 3 more years.
