Wednesday, December 31, 2014

peace out 2014

i don't even know if anything needs to be said about 2014.  it was a great running year for me.  started out pretty bumpy with some injury, but once that got straightened out it was mostly smooth sailing.  ran my first marathon and while i missed my goal by 4 minutes i still did quite well for a first timer.

rounded out the year with 1,229.12 miles ran.  that's almost 200 miles more than 2013.  i'm pretty proud of that.

i've made a lot of new friends and learned a lot about my running.

i'm going to call 2014 a success!  can't wait to see what 2015 has in store.

Friday, December 5, 2014

lazy lazy days

i have been very very lazy lately.  admittedly, i have been LOVING it!  my last race was in the beginning of november and once it was over i was so relieved!  i am really really glad that i decided not to race at all this winter.  i feel good about that decision.  i feel good just running when i want to and not when i don't want to.  my body is healing and i feel good.  i feel lazy... but good.

i can tell that i'm losing some conditioning in that i feel less capable of the same level of endurance but i don't even care.  i just feel good about not stressing over getting my runs in.  as long as i'm getting my 3 days a week in i feel ok about it.  i'm still averaging around 30ish miles a week and that's ok with me.

almost everything i've been running lately have been trail miles.  i love trail running.  my next race is the ice age 50K.  i don't start really training for that until february so i have another month of being a fat ass and then it's back to work.

our weather has been so weird lately.  it was very very cold for a week and then it has been 20-40 ever since.  pretty ok.  i got a new job and am working out my schedule and figuring out how my runs fit into it.  it's been a struggle but i'm figuring it out.  i'm sure i will be running more when the days get longer and the sun is out for a more significant amount of time.  it is really challenging to be motivated to run when it is dark and cold.  it starts getting dark now by 4:30pm which sort of blows since i don't get out of work most days until 5pm.

2014 was an excellent year for my running and racing and i expect that 2015 will be even better.  i'm getting smarter and training better.  time will tell.  for now... i'm just going to enjoy the run.