Wednesday, June 4, 2014

how i spent national running day

i got up the same as every other day... woke up my little and sent him off to school.  it was overcast, cold, and dreary so i promptly crawled back into bed.  i slept for another hour and a half and then decided to get up and peruse the internets, take care of a few lame things, and do some facebooking.  its amazing how easy it is to kill time and braincells once fb sucks ya in.

just after noon 'o clock i took off for my local technical college because for the past few weeks i've been in the process of getting into a grant program and getting back into school.  now that i've done that i can tell you guys about it.  today i had to go take some entrance exams akin to high school ACTs.  i'm really truly very bad at any and all math.  i aced the reading and writing portion of the testing.  scoring well above what was needed to be allowed into the fine college but the math... oh, the math.  the score i needed to get to get in was a 42.  i scored exactly a 42.  thank god!  i guessed on probably 1/2 of the questions.  so embarrassing but whateves... i passed and i'm in!

i will begin classes in january for the medical assistant program.  i'm pretty excited because i feel pretty passionately about helping people and i feel like this will give me an outlet to do just that.

then after that harrowing and stressful experience i came home (still raining) with every intention of throwing my run out the window, sitting on my ass, and watching all the programs... all of them.

i did this until about 5pm when the sun finally showed itself, birds were chirping, and my soul was thick with guilt.  i put my running gear on and got my body moving.

since i only had 2 miles on the schedule and as soon as i began my leg wasn't really in all that much pain (surprise surprise)... i decided to run as fast as i could and make it a speedwork run.  i am happy to report that i ran this 2 miles in 16:21!  this is the fastest i've been able to run in quite some time.

i've been averaging a 9:30 minute mile lately which is really disappointing.  unfortunately, my leg simply isn't capable of handling speed.  i was seeing that PT but she really wasn't doing anything but making me do squats on a bosu ball which i can do at home.  i stopped seeing her.

i did, however, start going back to yoga in the hopes that loosening up, stretching out, and strengthening up all all my insides might make a much bigger difference than anything that PT was trying to do.  time will tell and i'll keep you posted.  so that's how i spent national running day.

what did you do?

1 comment:

mkerungirl said...

Yay for running fast again! I don't think there's anything wrong with 9:30 pace - I sometimes run it myself! - but totes understand that it doesn't feel so great when you want to run faster.

Keep it up with the progress!