so... ever since i ran northface i've been having this hip thing happening. well, that's not entirely accurate. ever since i ran at lapham AFTER i ran northface i've been having this hip thing happening.
what it seems to be is this: by about mile 7 or so something in my left hip feels like it isn't where it is suppose to be. two wednesdays ago at the LPTR group run someone mentioned that when i got adjusted by the free chiropractor at the northface race he may have messed things up. the more i've thought about that the more i'm wondering if that might be the case because i was perfectly fine before he touched me and then after is when this all started.
at first i thought it was because i had run on pavement during the race but really that was only 1.5 miles so it shouldn't have had any effect at all. i feel like something is out of place and it hurts so incredibly bad that i am in tears. today when i ran i was fine until about mile 7. mile 7 is when i noticed i was getting a bit fatigued and i think my form starts to suffer. i think then my gait changes and that's when whatever is off in my hip begins to shift.
i noticed today that when i put pressure on it with my hand that the pain goes away but if i apply pressure while running in the wrong spot that the pain is magnified in intensity. i then adjusted my form and stiffened my back and the pain was manageable in the sense that it still existed but whatever i was doing with my back was mitigating the intensity. i was able to hold my pace at a really decent clip.
if you look at my splits you can see that i ran through the pain with minimal difference in pace.
mile 7 was a tiny bit slower but that's when i was holding my water bottle nozzle into my hip to try and figure out if that would stave off the pain but i must have pushed on the wrong thing and hit a nerve or something... there was a sharp pain. i think i ran pretty strong throughout. mile 6 was a weird fluke of my garmin. i stopped to pee and failed to restart it right away. it glitched somehow and gave me that 11min mile... such a bummer. when i saw it i couldn't believe it. lol!
anyhow... i'm really worried now about lakefront because i'm not sure how i'm going to make it through the race if this keeps up. i'm going to call the chiropractor (my REAL and AWESOME one) on monday and try to get in to see him ASAP... i am going to hope to all the powers that be that he can fix me this week so that i can run relatively pain free during the race. i just need to make it through the race.
i'm also seeing my new primary care physician on friday and plan to ask him about pain management. it's an issue because i am unable to successfully take NSAIDs because they wreak havoc on my GI tract. i may be mildly allergic (or have abused them so much over the years) that they've caused me to have a leaky gut, and the end result is that i have intestinal bleeding and diarrhea whenever i take them. not a good outcome when one is attempting their first marathon.
i've got a food and imodium plan for the marathon and the days leading up to it so hopefully the pooping won't be an issue, but this hip thing... i don't know what to do about that. it's really becoming terrifying.
i guess only time will tell... it has all come down to one week left. end of race season. this is what i've been training for all year. sink or swim time.
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