Saturday, July 20, 2019

Walk Run Wag 5K

Walk, Run, Wag for MADACC 5K - July 13, 2019

time = 25:52
pace = 8:19
placed 1 in my age group (40-49) out of 6
placed 6 in women out of 62
placed 15 overall out of 99
link to strava data

i signed up for this race on a whim.  i've been feeling pretty good lately and thought why the hell not?  it's right down the hill from my house and for a good cause... so i ran.

it's a pretty tiny race and turns out... had the exact same number of finishers as the last time i ran it back in 2014.  i was a hell of a lot faster in 2014 tho' and try as hard as i could this time... there was no way in hell i was going to clock a 7:35 average for this race.  granted, i'm 5 years older and man... i'm slower.  i'm even a bit embarrassed to say that i actually WALKED during mile 2 for a bit there...  yes, i walked in a 5K thank you very much.

2 women passed me while i was walking and that second woman... well, she was someone's grandma so i started running again.  no way was i gonna let grandma beat me.  so i ran as hard as i could for that last mile and 1/2 and smoked the grandma by a few minutes.  i count it a win.

it's hard to wrap my head around my slower "fast" but i'm hoping that i can bump that up still.  i know that as we age we naturally get slower but that doesn't account for all those folks older than me that are hella faster than me so i still have to try.  

all in all i feel like i did well.  i tried as hard as i could and can safely say i did my best and that's all i can hope for.  

next race up is High Cliff Ultras 25K... we'll see if i can finally make it there this time.  i've DNS'd twice due to injury so i just have to stay injury free for the next couple of weeks.   here's to staying injury free!

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