time = 25:35
pace 8:14
1st out of 18 in my age group (40-49)
placed 47th over all (out of 249 finishers)
12th among the women (out of 137)
i completed this run one month after the tough mudder. for 2 weeks after the mudder i was completely out of commission because my ankle was a mess. i was limping and unable to use my ankle normally much less run. i was able to begin running again last week so i wasn't expecting much from this run and to my surprise and (dare i say) pride... i did quite well. i think the 2 weeks off somehow shoved me over the speed plateau i seemed to be stuck on. i simply couldn't run faster than 8:30 or so and now i'm consistently running faster than that without much more effort. this course is in the Lapham Peak State Park again and it is pretty hilly. in fact, right off the bat there is a huge hill which i thought was going to do me in so i took my time and just made sure i could breathe... i figured i would just pick up the pace on the straights and slow down on the hills... admittedly i did walk up parts of a couple of the hills and i guess the downhills must have helped with the lost time there. i sprinted to the finish which helped too and i'm not going to say that this race was easy because it was not. my 10 year old son did the walk with my mother-in-law and he decided to run about half way through so he finished with about a 15 minute mile pace... i think i might be able to get him running!
next summer i think i'm going to try for some 10k runs. i want to make it easy on myself tho' and not do any that are hilly. where i live is pretty wooded and country so the races out here are always bound to be full of hills and hard which is good for me when i do flat runs because they're easy then. all in all i'm so happy with my performance today. it was only 48 degrees and windy too! fall is here!
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