this wisconsin weather blows!
it was -15 this morning when i got in my car and i guess there's just going to be more of the same. tomorrow will be a balmy 24 degrees but then it will plummet to a high of -15 or so. what this means for me is that i am very reluctant to run after work. it is dark outside and frozen and my other option is the dreadmill which i absolutely hate.
last night i mapped out my training plan for the next 4.5 months. it will take me through a 10K in march, a marathon and a 20K in april, ending with my 50K in may. in the midst of all that i'll be heading to florida for the easter break in april while still trying to maintain my training schedule. so.much.running!
the bulk of my mileage is in april too so that will be interesting... driving the couple of thousand miles to florida and then trying to run 22 miles when we arrive. i might have to alter those two weekends of training to accommodate the travel. lol!
so where was i going with this... oh yeah, the cold. my weeknight miles are supposed to be (key words here are supposed to) in the 3-7 mile range and the kicker is that because its been so cold and i hate the dreadmill... i've not been logging them like i should. i love running... i want to continue to love running... so i feel that doing it when i'm not feeling it (for whatever reason) is not in my best interest. however, it IS in the best interest of my fitness and readiness to tackle a marathon and a 50K. *sigh*
what's a girl to do for motivation? that is the million dollar question at this point. i have no problem with motivating during daylight hours no matter how cold out it is... I.WILL.RUN!
so how do i motivate to get on the treadmill after being at work all day and it's dark out? how do i STAY on the treadmill for more than 3 miles? ugh... sounds torturous!
i guess i'll just plug away at it and maybe get it done without crying. lol! maybe just the fact that i want to succeed at the longer distances will be motivation enough? maybe i will look at my butt and decide i want it to look awesome in a swimsuit when we go to florida... or maybe i'll just get home from work, snuggle up under the covers, watch some t.v., and go to sleep.
Nice... you are an accomplished writer :)
thanks sree!
I know exactly how you are feeling, Nikki - it's hard to stay motivated to run with the weather we've been having! Not sure how often you can get to the Pettit to run, but that is one thing that may help break up the treadmill monotony. Also, I've yet to try runching, but I hear it is another way to get a run in without having to run in the dark after work.
I live about 25-30 minutes away from the pettit so it isn't an every day option for me. what is runching?
(Catching up on commenting here - I usually read on my iPad and commenting doesn't always work w/ the mobile platform!)
I can relate - I detest the DREADmill, too. It's such a necessary tool during crappy winter weather. I try and motivate myself with food (horrible! But true) and enjoy something decadent after long runs on the t-mill.
I live 2 minutes from the Pettit Center, but haven't been there to test out the new track.
you should definitely test out the pettit! it's so worth it compared to single digits and slushy roads! I ran on the dreadmill yesterday and only managed 2 miles! pathetic!
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