about 2 weeks ago i went to instep in downtown delafield for a PT appointment with bob. he manually manipulated my hip and lower left leg muscles to the point of pain as well as administered electrical stimulation to my calf and the surrounding tissues. i'm not gonna lie... it was extremely painful and i thought i might die. seriously... die.
when it was all said and done he sent me on my way with a leg that was still twitching and flexing, hope in my heart, some directions to do calf raises, and a wallet that was lighter.
after a few ups and downs in pain during the first week my leg has consistently been getting better. there is less and less pain with each run and as it stands today (i see him again tomorrow) there is a section on the inside of my lower leg just above my ankle bone and ending just below where the calf muscle starts where there is still pain. i'd say it's about a 4 inch section of my leg. there is no longer any limping, it only hurts when i run, and it usually dissipates as the run continues on. it doesn't ever completely go away but it's so minimal that i am no longer even considering any sort of pain relief.
i'd count that as a huge win!
today is the last day of june and after logging my last run of the month i've clocked 140.91 miles for this month! that is absolutely amazing! last month i ran 99.88 which was HUGE after what my year had been shaping up to look like.
january - 111.44
february - 68.51
march - 8.57
april - 30.95
may - 99.88
june 140.91
i'm so excited! i've been running with so much pain all year and the prospect of running pain free is truly attainable. cross your fingers! i may be back to race pace soon enough.
That is great news, Nikki! So glad your appointment at InStep seems to have helped your leg heal up. Also, fantastic mileage for June, all things considered. Looks like you're well on your way to a successful fall marathon :)
Great to hear! Just in time for DWD...and then Lapham Peak!
Ha... this made me decide to look up my year-to-date mileage. You ran almost as much in June alone as I did in January through April combined. My numbers look sad, unless you start looking at my stair numbers. Too bad I don't track those like I do my running mileage.
Also, manual muscle manipulation is one of the greatest things ever.
i hope so! i'm just trying to build my mileage at this point and not really working on speed. instep does speed workouts on wednesday nights at st. john's military academy's track so i might go check that out. it's a bit intimidating tho' as i've never done a track workout before. of course, my competitive streak is telling me i NEED to be fast so... there's that. ;)
i know! so exciting. also, i finally looked at DWD's routes and have realized that this whole time i thought it was in the state park! that's why i wasn't making any sense when i was talking about where the routes were. lol!
i'm sure your numbers look just fine as you're not a distance runner. makes a difference lol! i have a spreadsheet to track mileage as well as goal miles if you'd like me to e-mail it to you. you could tweak it to suit your stair numbers i'm sure.
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