Thursday, July 3, 2014

10 more days

only 10 days until dances with dirt and i'm beginning to get a bit nervous.  i find this odd in that i'm never nervous for races.  never.

i feel confident in my training, and my ability so nervousness is a non-issue.  maybe i'm nervous because i will be out of my element.  we are camping the weekend of the race.  we are driving up on friday, the race is saturday, and we will stay until sunday afternoon.  i love to camp but i'm a bit concerned that i won't sleep well the night before the race as i will be camping.  now, i have no reason to believe this as i've always slept well when camping.  i have a huge tent and it holds a queen sized blow up (basically) bed.  it isn't even real camping because my husband has a bad back and can't sleep on anything less than a real bed.

i'm nervous about my nutrition and gi issues i guess.  i've been thinking about this a lot.  what to bring to eat.  i don't really want to deviate from what i normally eat so that i don't have any stomach issues before the race.  it shouldn't be hard considering i just have to have something for friday night and then saturday morning before the race.  afterwards it won't matter.

i'm worried about forgetting something important and being more than an hour away from home.  i have just over a week to figure it all out.

i'm sure it will be fine but my neurosis is swimming in circles in my brain.  it just won't quit.  one foot in front of the other and soon enough it will be over and i will probably be writing about how awesome the weekend was and what a great race i had.


nwgdc said...

You'll be GREAT. Just make sure you take it easy up the big first hill. I would suggest getting out in front of the main crowd when approaching that first climb (I believe it's all single track, so you don't want to get stuck behind the congo line too far back), but then just settle in to a power hike with occasional jogging. Just take it easy, and remind yourself that you want to be able to RUN when you get to the top! It'll be fun to be on new trails and be out there for a couple hours. And, there's beer at the finish!

Sun said...

Based on your recent training, I think you'll have a great race! But I totes understand about the nervousness surrounding the camping before a race, however if you've camped before without problems I think you'll be fine. Maybe try eating some of the foods you might eat the night before the race this week for peace of mind?

nikki said...

thanks nick! i hope you're right! i will certainly take your advice and try to start at the front. i get really impatient if i get stuck behind people i'm faster than. when i run at lapham i tend to run/hike/walk the hills and my times are pretty ok i think. honestly i have no idea why i'm so worked up about this race.

nikki said...

thanks sun! i hope so. i've been camping since i was a wee tot so that's nothing new. send good juju and i'm sure i'll be fine!

nwgdc said...

Thought you'd enjoy this, considering your header photo...