Tuesday, July 22, 2014

x2 performance product plug

ok... i don't usually talk about the stuff i use to fuel or supplement during my runs but this product is pretty awesome.

first, here's what the above mumbo jumbo means:

  • ATP di sodium ~ a multifunctional nucleotide, which is essential in a variety of cellular functions.  ATP is the main energy source for cells, via transportation of chemical energy into cells.  functions as a coenzyme in many reactions that function in cell motility, cell division, and biosynthetic reactions.  increases the activity of calcium activated potassium channels.
  • glucose ~ energy/fuel source
  • ribose ~ energy/fuel source and ATP building block
  • coenzyme Q10 (coQ10) ~ antioxidant and co-enzyme in electron transport chain and ATP production
  • caffeine ~ decreases perceived exertion and increases fatty acid metabolism
  • distilled water ~ pure water
  • electrolytes ~ prevents cramping and muscle degeneration
  • pinitol ~ aids in glucose uptake into cells
best of all x2 performance does NOT have any artificial sugars, sweeteners, stimulants, or substances banned by any sports organizations.

a few months ago i ran across it somehow (i don't remember how anymore... maybe somewhere on the book of face?) and decided to go for the advertised "free sample"...  just pay for the shipping.

i paid the $5.99 for shipping, received the product, and promptly let it sit in my kitchen for weeks.  it was winter-ish after all, i was sort of injured, and i wasn't running any races so i didn't bother with supplementing my runs too much.

when i finally looked at the bottles i realized that they were going to expire within a couple of weeks so i should probably use them.  i decided to try a bottle out for a long training run.  i liked that the implication is that the energy level will be sustained for a couple hours duration.  from the website's description it seemed like i should be able to drink a 2oz bottle down and be good for up to 2 hours... at least that's what i decided.

my experience:  while there seems to be a significant amount of caffeine in this product (74mg) it didn't effect my system in the way taking a no doz (200mg) would.  jitters and feeling weird.  compared to the following products i expected to feel something but it might just be that i'm not all that sensitive to caffeine.  i didn't notice any significant change.

although, to be fair... i AM quite sensitive to the dosage of caffeine in excedrin (65mg caffeine) as i am prone to migraines and i have been know to (on the rare occasion) thwart one by taking 2 excedrin (130mg caffeine) and pounding a mt. dew (54mg caffeine)... so  there's that.

products i use:
gu chocolate outrage = 20mg
orange shot bloks = 25mg
extreme sport beans = 50mg
honey stingers = 0mg
nuun = 0mg
sport legs = 0mg

12oz can mt. dew = 54mg
12oz can coca cola = 39mg
8oz brewed coffee = 95-200mg

this product has the highest content of caffeine of any i've used in my running.  what i found is that i didn't notice anything upon drinking the supplement.  no noticeable difference in my "pep" for lack of a better term.  what i did notice is that my level of energy doesn't wan as my long run progresses.  my usual pattern (with any other supplements or combination of supplements) has been to run positive splits and poop out near the end.  when i run while using x2 performance i've noticed my energy is steady throughout the distance therefore my pace is also steady.  there's been very little variance in that i'm not noticing my legs getting fatigued as quickly.  i am able to sustain a bit quicker of a pace for a longer duration which is nice.

this is encouraging for my upcoming marathon in that i feel confident that i will be able to use this product to maintain my energy level throughout the distance without hitting the proverbial wall.  i've utilized this product for road runs longer than 12mi and on one very hilly trail run that was 6.5mi.  what i noticed that is significant on the trail run at lapham peak (the black loop also called the moraine ridge trail) was that i was able to run up more of the hills with more consistent effort and less desire to walk.  if you're a distance runner i think it's worth looking into this product.  unfortunately, i don't think that they're offering the free trial any longer.  happy running!

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