Saturday, August 30, 2014

when it rains it pours

literally and figuratively...

today i was at my grandmother's because my father was having an end of summer party.  i had my dogs with me and needed to get a shovel out of the garage to clean up after one of them.  i go in the garage and don't turn on the light.  then i kick the car tire stopper.  when i do this i stub the second toe on my right foot successfully  making sure that i will lose the nail.  it was already painful but now it's blue so i'm quite certain that it will come off sometime in the near future.

later in the day i go back in a second time to get the shovel... this time i remember the light and all is well.

i go back a third time and no such luck... i kick the damn thing again but this time stub the pinkie toe on my right foot and break the damn toe!  how the fuck am i going to run a race next saturday (exactly one week after breaking my toe)?!?

i am assuming that i should probably not run tomorrow... probably not all week truth be told... so, um... how will my toe be ok in one week?!?

this is the race that is VERY IMPORTANT!  i've been training for this damn thing FOR EVER!  i just ran 2+ loops of the black loop in lapham just this morning!  17+ miles for christ's sake!

i hate life...  also... it was raining all damn day today so there's that.

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