Tuesday, February 4, 2014


com·mute [kuh-myoot]  verb (used without object), com·mut·ed, com·mut·ing. to travel regularly over some distance, as from a suburb into a city and back: He commutes to work by train.

this weekend i plan to run my long run to work and back.  no, i don't work on saturday... i just want to see how long it will take me if i run it at a super leisurely pace.  it's about 9 miles at the most and the route isn't on what one would consider too busy of streets (considering i live in a pretty rural area) so i'm sorta excited to see how long it will take.  i'm guessing it will take me nearly 1.5 hours or just under that given the conditions of the road.  i'm allowing a lot of extra time for slushy roads and the possibility of getting lost as i've never run these roads before and i'm quite possibly THE WORST at directions.  so round trip it will be an 18 mile run... i'm wondering if i should bust out my brand spanking and shiny new ak 2.0 race vest that i bought for the 50K in may.  i dunno tho'... that might be overkill.  after all, it is only 18 miles.  a water bottle is probably sufficient.

if the run goes well i am planning on doing it once a week throughout the summer months.  i will have to get a cleanliness plan in place so i'm not a super gross cretin at work on the run days.  some baby wipes and such... just to freshen up and not have pustules forming all over my person throughout the day.  ick...

how nice would that be?  to be able to fit my run right into my day like that?  lovely really...

would you be able to run to work?  if so, would you want to?  how far is your work place from your home? 


Anonymous said...

I would not want to run to work. Before I moved an extra mile or two away from work last spring, I used to live the closest to my work amongst people in my department. It was only a few miles. Everyone said I should take a bike, but for running or biking, it wasn't really a safe route. No sidewalks and pretty fast moving cars. I also didn't like the idea of being all sweaty and gross at work. On a related note, my trainer told me I should run stairs during my lunch breaks, since I come to work during off hours to do stairs anyway. I always refused. Same reason: don't wanna be sweaty and gross at work.

nikki said...

my job is mostly computer/telephone based so i don't have to see customers thereby making it quite easy to look like a sloth and get away with it. i've got a good 4 foot birth between me and my nearest co-worker so maybe she might be able to smell me if i were to emit an odor but really... i don't think i care about that too much. ha! i'm more worried about the state of my skin from sitting in dried sweat all day so i've got to figure out a plan for that. otherwise i think it will be really great. i think you could easily do the stair work out on your lunch break if you planned your clean up well. a towel or two for a good wipe down and a later lunch and you'd be good i think. also baby wipes are a godsend! i have a whole tub of them in my car at all times... i learned that from having children. they are great for everything!