Friday, February 7, 2014

stupid lefty

so yesterday i was minding my own business running my very slow laps at the pettit center when my stupid left leg decided to do that thing it was doing on the treadmill the other day... only it decided to be the whole leg instead of 1/2 the leg. 

today i was talking to my friend and she suggested that maybe it was sciatica since it doesn't really feel like cramping and it doesn't actually hurt exactly but it feels sort of tight and then sort of weak but i can't really explain what it feels like because i've never experienced anything like it before.  it's a weird hurty feeling but not really pain exactly.

it did suck balls tho' and it made me damn mad and it didn't last exactly the whole time in the same intensity so it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me.

so i got to thinking... i now have a desk job and i have previously had a job where i was constantly moving... up to 8 or more miles a day in fact.  now i sit.  all day.  i was looking into one of these so i bought one for work.  seems like it might be best for me and my stupid nervy nerves.  i'll let you know how it goes after i get it and use it for awhile.

tomorrow i'm doing that 18mi out and back to check out how the run to work will be.  we'll see how it goes with this new development in my stupid body.  it's always something isn't it...

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